Monday, October 27, 2014

Blog Post #10

First Grader's in Mrs. Cassidy Class
Summary of the Video:
    Mrs. Cassidy First grade class was showing different techniques on blogging and how to blog. The student's were able to demonstrate their blogging skills and work online. They are able to meet different people around the world, in a safe way. The student's was able to explain how you should only use your first name and not your last name, and how you should always say nice thing's when commenting on someone else blog. The student's also use their blogs as online portfolio's for their work.

Video 1    Video 2    Video 3
    Watching this video shared a lot of valuable information. Mrs. Cassidy has been blogging for five years now. She think this is a great technique in her classroom. She explain's in the video how parent's think this is a great tool, and a way to keep up with their child's learning throughout the classroom. The student's really like the use of technology and how they are able to use it in the classroom. The student's love blogging and showing off their work to other student's across the world. Mrs. Cassidy explain's also they she keep her student's safe by telling them not to post their last name, only first. Also, she explains to her student's how it is not safe to post picture's of themselves online. In my classroom, I want to be able to use the different technique's like Mrs. Cassidy with different ways of using technology. My student's will be able to use technology and learning to blog frequently in the classroom. I think all future teacher's can use a pointer or two from Mrs. Cassidy video on how important technology is in the classroom.

Student's Bloggin

Sunday, October 26, 2014

C4K Summary October

dont know

My Post:
“Don’t Know”? This is really nothing to comment on, could you be a little more interesting, please?

Gavin D
I would like to cure aging so that people would die of age and so that no one has to go through the pains of aging like arthritis, hair loss, and memory loss.  That’s all I have for today.  BYE!!!

My Post:
I enjoy reading your blog, I think it is very interesting. I wish we could all live forever and not have to die of old age. I hope to be reading more post from you real soon.

Alex's C
At school I like playing Mine craft at recess.

My Post:
What is exactly is Mine craft? I would like to know more about it and how you play the game. But I am glad you enjoy playing this game at recess.

“Is your life easy or hard?’’ My life is okay. When I was born I didn’t know what was going on around me but, when I grew older all I can remember was me, delivering food to this old lady when I was one or two years old. I turned three on 2006, August 28 that year was very sad because that’s when my mom (Teisa) past away. She was buried at maungarei memorial cemetery.

Since my mom past away I went to Togan with my moms dad sister Keleni. She came to New Zealand for my moms funeral when the funeral was finish my Grandpa Kaleti asked her sister Keleni if she could look after me and she said “yes’’ so that’s how I went to Tonga. On the airplane I was sitting next to the window I saw plain white clouds and blue sky and a bright sunny sun.

During the airplane I felt like I had butterflies in my stomach. Keleni said to me that we are here I was so excited then all you can feel is the plane gently landing on the rocky concrete. When we hopped out of the plane I saw...TO BE CONTINUED

My Post:
It was such a pleasure for me to read your blog post on you growing up in Togan. I am so sorry to hear about your mother's passing, I know that was very hard to deal with. I am curious what did you see coming off the plane, please hurry and reply.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Blog Post #9

Seven Essential for Project Based Learning
    The seven essential for project based learning is: A Need to Know, A driven question, Student Voice and Choice, 21st Century Skills, Inquiry and Innovation, Feedback and Revision, and A Publicity Product.
A Need To Know- As teachers, we can influence student's content by lunching a project with a "entry event"that gain interest and initiating questioning.
A driven Question- A good driven question capture the heart of  project which gives students a sense of purpose or challenge.
Student Voice and Choice- This element of project base learning is the key of making a project that is meaningful to students and give them a chance to voice their opinions.
21st Century Skills- A project should give students to build 21st century skills and collaboration, communication, collaboration, and the use of technology.
Inquiry and Innovation- Student's find project base learning more meaningful if they conduct real inquiry. Which does not mean finding information in books or websites and pasting it onto a poster. In real inquiry, students follow a trail that begins with their own questions, leads to a search for resources and the discovery of answers, and often ultimately leads to generating new questions, testing ideas, and drawing their own conclusions.
A Publicity Product- Schoolwork is more meaningful when it's not done only for the teacher or the test. When students present their work to a real audience, they care more about its quality.

Project Base Learning for teacher
    In this video, we are given sever different examples of driven question and how we can use them in the classroom. Students and as well as teacher's have many different resources that that have available to them. This video show different types of skill and learning techniques that they will use in different projects. As teachers, we should not teach but set ground rules for each lesson they learn.

Project Based Learning for Physical Education
    Reading this article this is a great example of project based learning, Reading this article it explains how the student's are able to come up with their own fitness routine to be able to involve their friends so they will be able yo get involved. I think this is a great article. because it will give students of sense of what great routines and fitness strategies that would be good for their body so they they can stay healthy in the long run.

Ketchup Bottle Case
    This was a very interesting engaging video that I saw, I like how the student's came up with a problem about ketchup and was actually really to solve it. Even though, it was most difficult with the project that they came up with, they still was manage to solve it together. They was able to prove to the teacher's and student's that this was a great example of PBL and how you can use in anywhere. 

What motivates students
    In this video is from many different student's in this video. I like this video, because the student's explain what motivates them in school and how they will be able to achieve their goals in future life. One student stated what motivates him is his teacher and how she praise him for good work and the different accomplishment he has made in the classroom. The student states that make's him feel real good and motivated. If the student's does good in the classroom they will be rewarded with candy or they will be able to go out side and walk around (recess). This was the best video I have viewed so far. 

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

C4T Summary #2

C4T #2 Bill Genereux
Blog Post
    Bill Genereux most recent blog post that was written on October 13, 2014 was about how his student's that is in his digital media class created an uncut film from the movie "Star Wars".  Star Wars had a audience suggestion to where they would choose a couple of scene for consideration to put in their next movie. Bill submitted a couple scenes, with one including his son that was chosen for one of the selection. My response was
I think this was a great uncut movie that you did on “Stars Wars”. I did not know that the movie could be so interesting and unique. That was cute how your son was biting into that rib like that, I enjoyed watching the film and learning from it. 
    The second most recent post that was written on June 28, 2014 was about how girl's push away from math and science because they are not influence enough to work outside their limit. This post is saying how kid's do not go outside enough to explore and use their hands, especially girls. My response was
I think this is a great video to use on how females don’t take enough time out to go outside and explore the words. We often judge females of not being able to do a man’s job, when really females can do better. We have a lot of females that are interested in Math or Science but few only take this offer up in college, due to not enough exploring when they was in grade school. Educators should learn to take kids outside to be able to explore the world and be able to get they hands dirty a little. Parents should allow kids to be able to think outside the box instead of being afraid because kids do listen rather you know it or not. Great post, topic, and video!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Implications and Teaching Opportunities for Camera Use in Teaching and Learning

  After viewing Zogby Analytics, using smartphone and tablets could be a major impact on using these device's in the classroom. Before I introduce smartphone's are tablet's to be used in the classroom I would like to know if every student in the classroom know's how to work each device. Most likely student's are more technology friendly then teacher's are when it comes to smartphone's and tablets. This will be a great access in the classroom for student's to enhance learning abilities and become more technologically advanced.
    Using technology in the classroom would be a great asset to connect with parent's. We will be able to send email's to connect with parent's and update them on what is going on in the classroom. Parent's will be able to view their child's grades and progress throughout the classroom. I will also create a blog page with up to date information and also FAQ's with my personal email, for parent's that have any question's or concern's that may need to be addressed.

    As an educator, I will allow my student's to use their smartphone or tablet for educational purposes only. I am currently going to school for  Secondary Health Education, so using their smart phone they will be able to do group projects by doing minor exercise routine and timing themselves off their phone or tablet. We will also download different app's from their tablet to like the skeleton system and different help topics so student's will be able to use tool as a study guide. Student's can also use their smartphone's or tablet's to be able to create a blog in the classroom and upload different assignment's and group project that is require throughout the classroom.

Blog Post #8

    Randy Pausch's Last Lecture was by far one of the best video's I have seen thus far. Pausch's talked about three important thing's that caught my attention: (1)Childhood dream's (2) Helping Other's (3) and Lesson Learned. He teaches us no matter how hard life maybe we are still able to reach our dreams no matter what.
    The most important topic to me was when he talked about the "Head Fake", basically student's are thinking they are learning one particular thing when they are actually learning multiple things at one time. What I learned from this video is that our critics are our motivators. When no one is critiquing you is when you need to be worried if you are doing a good job or not. Pausch's has been through a lot of trials and tribulation with his health problems. Pausch's has not giving up on his dreams, if anything he has been motivated after everything he has been through. I notice he does not use his health problems as a excuse and he do not want people to have self pity for him either. He continue to pushed for his dreams so he can eventually inspire other's.
    I believe Randy Pausch's is a true advocate of Project Base Learning he explain's and gives a lot of examples of PBL in his video. Being a teacher, this is a great way to teach your student's different assignments and projects that way you will be able to teach to the student's and also learn from the feedback that they give you from what they learned. Once again, this was a great video to view and I think Randy Pausch is a great leader for teacher's throughout the world.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Blog Post #7 How Do We Become Learner's

    As a future educator, it is my duty and my expectation to learn different technology and new learning material. I want to be able to make learning fun and enjoyable for my students. My Strength's: I love learning new thing's to be able to share with other's. I am open to new information so I can be able to teach my student's new and broader things that is going on with the curriculum. I think have an open mind is the best solution to learning new materials to be able to teach the students. My Weakness: I would say I am not broad and computer friendly when it comes to learning and
teaching technology. I believe everything is done old fashion like looking information up in the text book and studying and writing out definition for each chapter. I need to learn how to be computer friendly and get use to learning to use blogs and other different learning style website that would be useful to teach to my student's.
     In the video, How to make an audio QR. Qr code and a audio Qr code is just like making tape recording. It's basically the same thing except it is done on a computer. Teacher's can be able record assignments and also read books so student's can be able to follow alone. This is a great tool for beginners learns that have a hard time and some that struggle with reading and other difficult learning styles. Here are the instruction's on learning how to record your own Audio QR: 1. Go to and click "record" to record your voice. 2. Once you done recording, hit the stop button. 3. Save recording, and bring up the URL. 4. Copy the URL, and paste it to the address bar. 5. Once you paste it, you are going to "Create QR Code" and you will have your own code. 6. Right click, and copy the image of your QR code. 7. Paste the image to a Word Document This is a great tool to be able to interact with student's parents as long as they have them a free QR
code. In the video, iPad Reading Center the student learn how to work their iPad by setting up their own video and learn how to record themselves. This is a great tool for student's be able to video tape themselves reading, and listen to see if they have made any mistakes. I love how the teacher walks around the classroom to encourage her student's that she is  listening to make sure they are on the right track. This is a great listening tool to see if student's will be able to catch their mistakes and learn to correct them. In the video, Poplet this is another great tool that can be based off Project Base Learning. This great tool help's  student's to stay organize and also look up information that they can later go back and search. This tool help them to read a book on the iPad and also teach them how to type and match pictures with the story.
    In the video, Alabama Virtual Library this is a friendly site to be able to use and look up different search engines. The student's can be able too look up the information and watch movie clip's and fill out the activity worksheet that they have for that lesson. They will start adding sentences by drawing a picture of what they learn they will also have to write one sentence for each picture or clip that they watch. In the video, Build A Board In Discovery Education is a video on Discovery Education in the classroom. This friendly tool allows student to research information, images and different videos. Listening to the video I was able to create my own board:
1. Go to the Discovery Education website, and register with a user name and password.
2. Click on "Board Builder".
3. Choose background and title, click on continue.
4. Add.
5. Create Board.
This tool will allow students to add title's and picture's to their Discovery Education database about their topic. This a great tool for student's to be able to look up information, video's and pictures to create their own board.
    In the video, Board Builder Project  the student's had to create a board builder project and present it to the class. The student's were not shy at all they were able to show and describe where they got their pictures and resources from. Also, they were able to tell us why they was raising money for "The Haven". They also impressed me with their large vocabulary word's that they presented in their presentation. In the video, Using iMovie and the ABV in kindergarten is a YouTube conversation video between Dr. Strange, Elizabeth and Daphne. This video is about how kindergarten student's write scripts and use iMovie trailers at ages 5 and 6. Elizabeth talks about AVL, and how you can log on and teach student's basic information and research. This is a FREE site that student's can pull up information and learn from. Many resources are available for students, such as the dictionary, encyclopedia, and also library references. Last but not least, in the video We All Become Learners discusses how teachers teach student's and student's teaches teacher's. So basically everyone becomes learners and teachers. Padlet,  is great tool that can be used as Project Based Learning. The teacher use Padlet to post question's on the board that will be answered from the student's. With this great tool, everyone is able to learn and help each other with information that they may not know.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Project #13

Lesson Plan: Student’s will take quiz and also research the similarities on "Hamlet and The Lion King". Student's will also recreate what they learn by using modern technology on the similarities on both work.