Monday, October 20, 2014

Blog Post #9

Seven Essential for Project Based Learning
    The seven essential for project based learning is: A Need to Know, A driven question, Student Voice and Choice, 21st Century Skills, Inquiry and Innovation, Feedback and Revision, and A Publicity Product.
A Need To Know- As teachers, we can influence student's content by lunching a project with a "entry event"that gain interest and initiating questioning.
A driven Question- A good driven question capture the heart of  project which gives students a sense of purpose or challenge.
Student Voice and Choice- This element of project base learning is the key of making a project that is meaningful to students and give them a chance to voice their opinions.
21st Century Skills- A project should give students to build 21st century skills and collaboration, communication, collaboration, and the use of technology.
Inquiry and Innovation- Student's find project base learning more meaningful if they conduct real inquiry. Which does not mean finding information in books or websites and pasting it onto a poster. In real inquiry, students follow a trail that begins with their own questions, leads to a search for resources and the discovery of answers, and often ultimately leads to generating new questions, testing ideas, and drawing their own conclusions.
A Publicity Product- Schoolwork is more meaningful when it's not done only for the teacher or the test. When students present their work to a real audience, they care more about its quality.

Project Base Learning for teacher
    In this video, we are given sever different examples of driven question and how we can use them in the classroom. Students and as well as teacher's have many different resources that that have available to them. This video show different types of skill and learning techniques that they will use in different projects. As teachers, we should not teach but set ground rules for each lesson they learn.

Project Based Learning for Physical Education
    Reading this article this is a great example of project based learning, Reading this article it explains how the student's are able to come up with their own fitness routine to be able to involve their friends so they will be able yo get involved. I think this is a great article. because it will give students of sense of what great routines and fitness strategies that would be good for their body so they they can stay healthy in the long run.

Ketchup Bottle Case
    This was a very interesting engaging video that I saw, I like how the student's came up with a problem about ketchup and was actually really to solve it. Even though, it was most difficult with the project that they came up with, they still was manage to solve it together. They was able to prove to the teacher's and student's that this was a great example of PBL and how you can use in anywhere. 

What motivates students
    In this video is from many different student's in this video. I like this video, because the student's explain what motivates them in school and how they will be able to achieve their goals in future life. One student stated what motivates him is his teacher and how she praise him for good work and the different accomplishment he has made in the classroom. The student states that make's him feel real good and motivated. If the student's does good in the classroom they will be rewarded with candy or they will be able to go out side and walk around (recess). This was the best video I have viewed so far. 


  1. "The seven essential for project based learning is: A Need to Know, A driven question, Student Voice and Choice, 21st Century Skills, Inquiry and Innovation, Feedback and Revision, and A Publicity Product." Seven essential what? Depending on the answer to that question you may need to change is to are. driving, not driven, Not "A Public Project". What is the correct term that goes here?

    "...content by lunching a project…" launching, not lunching

    "...with a "entry event"that gain interest and initiating questioning. " space after event; gains, not gain; initiates, not initiating

    "A good driven question capture the heart…" driving, not driven; captures, not capture

    "This element of project base learning is the key of making a project that is meaningful to students and give them a chance " based, not base; key to, not key of; gives, not give

    "A project should give students to build 21st century skills and collaboration, communication, collaboration, and the use of technology." Give students what? I suspect you mean the ability to. If so, add it to this sentence.

    "Student's find project base learning" Students is not possessive. Remove the apostrophe.

    "...given sever different examples of driven question…" several, not sever; driving, not driven

    " well as teacher's…" Teachers is not possessive. Remove the apostrophe.

    "...that that have available…" that they, not that that

    "This video show different types of…" shows, not show

    "...for each lesson they learn." The antecedent of they is not known.

    "Reading this article this is a great example of project based learning," Reading this article is not an example of PBL. Clarify your thought.

    "I think this is a great article. because it will give students of sense of what great routines and fitness strategies that would be good for their body so they they can stay healthy in the long run." Remove the period after article. What do you mean when you write "students of sense of"?

    "This was a very interesting engaging video that I saw, I like how the student's came up with a problem about ketchup and was actually really to solve it." You are missing the and between interesting and engaging.

    "...they still was manage to solve it together" they still managed, not ty was manage

    "...different student's…" AND "...because the student's explain what motivates..." students, not student's Students is not possessive

    " she praise him for good work…" praises, not praise

    "...that make's him feel real good…" makes, not make's Makes is not possessive.

    "If the student's does good in the classroom" Students is not possessive. Remove the apostrophe. Substitute performs well for does good.

    You are trying hard to succeed in this class. Your summary is satisfactory. However your writing is not satisfactory. If you want to pass this class you must write at at least a 12th grade level. My suggestion is that you go back to the Writing Lab. Have them call me the minute you arrive!

    Unsatisfactory because of writing, or failure to proofread, or both.

  2. Your blog post was very interesting to read. I would really take the time to read over your blog post once you are done with it before you post it.
