1. The central message of this video, is that the professor will lose a lot of the student interest in the classroom by not participating in the lectures that he teach his students. I mean how do you expect people to learn dance routines from a power point and a book? In his conclusion, he expected the students to know this information by giving them a test to perform the dance routines. I do not agree with his conclusion because he did not allow any one to learn how to perform the dance routines based off how he was teaching it in the classroom, therefore everyone was clueless on how to perform the dance routine because it was not physically taught to them properly more verbally taught.
2. On the video Robert is trying to inform us future teachers how teaching has change and it was not like how it use to be back in the day. It's not just lecturing your students but also engaging with them on different sources to use throughout the Internet also engaging them on different activities in the classroom so they will familiarize they self with the lesson. Today's society everything is now pro tech and has to be used in our everyday living, so that is something that we will have to engage with the students to become literate with technology and the way it work.
I. How can we gather information and discuss data:
-Social Site(ex: facebook, twitter, and instagram)
-Discussion Groups
Robert see that teachers will be less teaching in the future and that the students will have to depend on more social networks or technology in general to be able to find there resources from the classroom. That can have a big impact on students and teacher's in the future. The students are going to become less involve in the lecture throughout the class, and the teachers will feel they will have to do less teaching that will eventually hurt the students in the long run. We should always engage out students in every lesson that we teach with different activities and interesting topics so that the students will carry on this information throughout their lives.
3. The purpose of this video is to show us even though connecting students is not a bad thing we always need a teacher for guidance. It is very interesting to know throughout the video that connecting students learn so much through blogging and connecting with others to answer many questions and see different topics and views on what is being discuss throughout the course. But we also need a teacher to be able to answer any questions or concern that may need to be addressed that is not understood in the course.
4. In this video I defiantly understand when she Say's teaching is learned differently when you just have paper and pencil with no activities being involve throughout the lesson. With just paper and pencil students tend to lose interest in the classroom where it is no type of involvement or movement with activities throughout the classroom. The thesis of this video is to show us how students can interact and learn globally through blogging and social networks with student across the world, even places where you think could not be connected. Now in days technology is very friendly.
5. In this video, I most defiantly think that the younger generation is much more ahead of us in the learning process then the middle and older generation. Technology is introduce at a very early age as I notice and observe younger kids receiving cell phone, Ipads, Ipods, and even computers at a very young age which is more prom for them to learn things that we would never think to use when we was coming up. The younger generation are very engaged and very smart in this day and time.
6. I think flipping the classroom is a very useful source to use in the classroom. It helps the students be a little more prepared with the lessons. They will be able to read over the material that will be taught by the teacher the next day when they come in the classroom. Also, they will be prepared to ask any type of questions that they might found that was a little difficult to understand or the material. I think it will help the students that has fallen behind throughout the class or learn slower then others to be able to get a head start on the materials that is being taught throughout the course.
7. This article is saying how teachers need to involve there teachings and activites more in students life so it will make a huge impact on them one day. I mean anybody can be a good a teacher but how many people do you know that can make great excellent teachers? It's not just about teaching your students the material, it more about making sure the grasp into the information so they will be able to get a better understanding of what is being taught in the lesson, also empowering students with great wisdom.
This photo was taken off of google images :http://www.jgischhindwara.com/DBImages/FeaturesImg/DSCN4890.JPG
"... in the lectures that he teach his students." Awkward. Teach should be teaches but the sentence still would be awkward. Should be rewritten: …lectures that he uses to attempt to teach his students.
ReplyDelete"... to inform us future teachers how teaching has change and it was not like how it use to be back in the day." Omit us. changed, not change; used, not use.
"...will familiarize they self with the lesson." themselves, not they self
"Today's society everything is now pro tech …" Should be: In today's society, everything is technology based… (leave out pro and change tech to technology based even though everything is not exactly correct.)
"Robert see that teachers will be less teaching in the future and that the students will have to depend on more social networks or technology in general to be able to find there resources from the classroom..." Roberts, not Robert believes, not see Even if you insist on using see it must be sees not see. their, not there
"... teacher's in the future…" Teachers is not possessive here.
"...become less involve in the lecture…" involved, not involve
"...video I defiantly understand…" Defiantly? My guess is that you meant definitely.
"...when she Say's teaching is learned differently…" Say's ? What do you mean? "Teaching is learned"? What do you mean?
"...being involve throughout the lesson" involved, not involve
" Now in days technology is very friendly." Remove in days from this sentence.
"...I most defiantly think that the younger generation" Once again my guess is that you mean definitely, not defiantly.
"Technology is introduce at a very early…" introduced, not introduce
"... which is more prom for them to learn things…" More prom? What is prom?
"...when we was coming up" were, not was; growing up, not coming up (unless you are talking about climbing stairs).
"... is a very useful source to use in the classroom." Maybe you mean resource, not source.
"...when they come in the classroom." into or to, not in
"...that they might found that was a little difficult to understand or the material." Very awkward. Here is a possible rewrite; that they may have about the material.
"...the students that has fallen behind…" A plural noun requires a plural verb: have, not has
"...the materials that is being taught…" A plural noun requires a plural verb: are, not is
"This article is saying how teachers…" discusses, not is saying
"...to involve there teachings and activites…" their, not there, activities, not activites
"I mean anybody can be a good a teacher…" Really? I disagree.
"... it more about making sure the grasp into the information so they will be able to get a better understanding of what is being taught in the lesson, also empowering students with great wisdom." Awkward. You need is after it. the grasp into the information? What do you mean? The last phrase should either be a separate sentence or it should be of parallel form with the previous part of the sentence.
Your writing does not meet college level standards. You must go to the Writing Center. Show them this post (and your previous post). Have them inform me when you arrive at the Writing Center.
You seem to understand the content. That is a plus.