Sunday, September 7, 2014

Blog Post #3 " How Can You Provide Meaningful Feedback to Your Peers? "

    There are three important things to do when peer editing a paper, Compliment, Suggestions, and Corrections. When peer editing a paper that mean's some one your own age. It is very important to show compliments through out the paper, you don't want anyone to show you negative feedback or say something out the way that is not pleasing to you. Always give suggestions about the paper, let your peer know what he or she could of added to the paper and what they did not need in the paper. Lastly, show and make the corrections that need to be made. Let the writer know what they have could have done better and what correction will need to be made on there final paper.
    Peer Edit Tutorial was an excellent slide show, the slide show taught me the different ways on how to view and edit another person's my age paper. We should take every one's paper that we edit into consideration. We should always think positive and how the writer that we are offering constructive criticism and not negative feed back. By developing the three important steps into editing peer's paper everyone should be please and should be able to make a much better paper,then what was presented before.
Two girls giving feedback to each other


  1. Be sure to include links to the resources/videos listed in the assignment.

  2. Hi Shayla!

    I really liked your post. I think you did a really good job of summarizing the peer editing rules. The only thing I would change is adding your links to the post rather than just listing the titles. It makes navigation a little easier. Other than that, great post! :)

